
Sunday 8th September 2024 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost

The Faith of the Syro-Phoenician Woman – Mark 7:24-37 In Galilee, Jesus has challenged official Judaism over the authority of non-biblical traditions and has taught that ritual purity is irrelevant. He now travels to the coast (“Tyre”), a largely Gentile area. The  “woman” (v.26) is Gentile by birth and of non-Jewish origin; she seeks healing for her daughter who (at least in contemporary understanding) is possessed by evil. In Jesus’ statement (v.27), the “children” are presumably Jews; Jewish writers sometimes…

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  Reading Skills The SRE teacher in Murwillumbah High School has received a request from one of the School’s teachers for church people to offer some of their time to help young struggling people improve their reading skills. Should anyone be prepared to participate in this activity please contact David Miller (07 5590 4218) who will pass on your details to the appropriate person. Ladies Morning Tea The next Morning Tea will be on Thursday, 12th September at 10am at…

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Forthcoming Events

Wednesday Bible Study All those who attend (or would like to attend) are advised that the Wednesday Bible Study is held in the Undercroft of All Saints Church following the 10.00am Eucharist service. Bible Study – “Beginning with God” LLM David Miller has commenced an 8 week Bible Study each Friday from 9.30 to 11.00am on 9th August.  The study is “Beginning with God” and focuses on Geneses, Chapter 1-12 . 7 parishioners have  participated in the study which will…

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